Body Camera

Day Hire

Police Body Camera for Law Enforcement with 2 Inch Display, Night Vision, Built in 64G Memory.

As the ultimate security gadget, this Full-HD body worn camera offers great security throughout your upcoming shifts as a security guard, police officer, or bouncer.

Support connect external auxiliary camera lens (Not included, need purchase separately in our store) which is very small and light can be be clipped onto a lapel.
It comes with a 2 Inch LCD monitor on which it allows you to instantly watch back previous recordings. With 64GB of memory, there will be plenty of space to store all video captured throughout your upcoming working days.
Long Battery Life:A powerful 3100mAh battery lets you record footage for up to 10 hours in a row - enough to get through multiple shifts without needing to worry about battery life.
Safety: You can set a password for the camera to avoid all recorded files being stolen or deleted. The latest version of the firmware allows the user to delete files directly on the camera.

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